Inner Peace
TM Transcendental Meditation – Brings inner peace & happiness
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique is a ssimple, natural, effortless process practiced 15-20 minutes twice daily while sitting comfortably with eyes closed.  It’s not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. It’s the most widely practiced, most researched, and most effective method of self development..
Here is a little practice you may enjoy:
Mindfulness in the waking state is putting one’s attention on something.
For a few minutes every day, sit & bring to mind the people in your life.
Then mentally touch each one with your attention & ask that they be blessed.
The Path of  Yoga
Yoga is the most precious treasure of ancient India. The present form of yoga is being practiced all over the world for it’s external benefits of increasing physical, mental and intellectual capacity.  But yoga’s internal and real form is the one which has been practiced by ancient sages, saints and people because of a whole repository of spiritual knowledge that is hidden inside.  This path automatically leads to physical, mental and intellectual development.  This holistic view is the main purpose of yoga.